THE BEST OF 2020 AND 2021

A long overdue but incredibly essential blog post to create. There aren’t really the words for me to describe 2020 and 2021, both professionally and personally - much like everyone else, there were the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

In my personal life, I lost my wonderful, amazing and perfect bulldog, Bodgey. I turned 30. I had twins. I got engaged. It was a LOT!

As we all know, the wedding world, quite simply, went to shit. There was postponements, cancellations, reduced numbers, masks, social distancing but despite that I was lucky enough to shoot some absolutely amazing weddings with the most incredible couples.

From the small and last minute weddings with minimal guest numbers that couples just couldn’t wait to have, to the huge and long overdue weddings that were postponed time and time again because the couples wanted their big huge party ♡